1.  Introduction

This policy applies to all GoEscrow Pty Ltd (ACN 650 709 354) products and services.

At GoEscrow we are committed to providing customers with the best possible products and services, but we acknowledge that sometimes things go wrong.  If you’re ever dissatisfied with our operations, we want to hear it so that we can make things right for you, and continue to better our products and services.

GoEscrows’ Customer Complaint Policy has been developed in line with the principles of Australian/New Zealand Standard on complaints management (AS/NZS ISO 10002:2018 – Guidelines for complaint management in organisations). GoEscrow is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) and is regulated under the Corporations Act 2001.

1.1  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to inform customers as to; how to submit a complaint to GoEscrow, how GoEscrow handles and resolves complaints, what to do if they are unhappy with the resolution of a complaint and how to escalate issues if the need arises.

1.2  Distribution

This document is for public release via our web site https://goescrow.com.au/complainthandling

1.3  Document Owner

Please use the following for all communications regarding this document:


Email [email protected]
Title: Customer Service Manager
Address: P.O. Box 141,
Kenmore.  QLD.  4069

1.4  Document Change Log

Document versions:

Version Date Change Description
1.0 23rd July 2024 Initial Release



1.5  The Issuer

This Customer Complaint Policy is issued by GoEscrow Pty Ltd (GoEscrow) ABN 30 404 785 790.  GoEscrow Pty Ltd are AFS Representative No. 001312536 of Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) No. 526194.

GoEscrow is a financial services business which can provide you with general advice on and arrange for you to be issued with deposits and payments products limited to non-cash payment products.

1.6  GoEscrows’ Commitment

GoEscrow is committed to effective and efficient customer complaints management. We strive to manage customer complaints in an accountable, transparent, timely and fair manner that is compatible with all customer rights, reasonable customer expectations, our Terms Of Using, Privacy Policy, AML-CTF Program and other legal and regulatory responsibilities.

2.  How to Submit a Complaint

Official GoEscrow reporting channels are free for all customers.  To lodge a complaint please contact us by one of these channels:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1300 303 240  (Sydney Business Hours)
Written Letter: Customer Service Manager
P.O. Box 141
Kenmore.  QLD  4069

We cannot take instruction in person. Complaints should be made through the above channels.

3.  How We Handle Your Complaint

Our customer complaints management principles are aligned to the guiding principles as set out in the Australian/New Zealand Standard on complaints management.

Our principals are:

  1. Accessibility and Transparency
  2. Responsiveness
  3. Objectivity, Fairness and Equity
  4. Accountability, Continuous Improvement and Equity

3.1  Resolution Times

The management of any complaint depends on:

  • Nature of the complaint
    • Some complaints are more complex and difficult to resolve than others. Complaints that involve multiple divisions of the company or that pose serious accusations may take longer to process.
  • Depth of information provided
    • Please be as detailed as possible when submitting a complaint. The more information we have to work with, the more accurately and efficiently we can rectify the situation.
  • Responsiveness and cooperation of the complainant
    • Sometimes we need more information about the issue, or we need to correspond to come to a fair outcome. In these cases, your participation will impact the time to resolution.
  • Business Hours
    • g. late-night submissions, weekends, public holidays

3.1.1  Service Levels

  • In all cases GoEscrow will acknowledge your complaint as soon as it is received.
    • A tracking number will be issued to you. This is colloquially referred to as a “Case Reference” or “Ticket Number”.
  • Simple complaints should be resolved within 7 days of submission.
  • Complaints that require some inquiry may take up to 30 days.
  • Complaints that involve significant investigation or referral may take up to 90 days or longer in some cases.

3.1.2  Outcome Communication

We will assess your complaint and resolve the matter to the best of our capability and communicate to you the outcome by email.  If a matter is discussed over telephone we communicate to you the contents of the phone call by email.  We shall advise the complainant of the outcome of the assessment and resolution process. This will include:

  • a clear explanation of the final decision,
  • any recommendations and
  • any review options available to you including internal review options.

4.  If You’re Unsatisfied with Our Response

We will always do our utmost to ensure that our customers are happy with the resolution of their issues. If you feel we have not handled your issue in accordance with the aforementioned principles, or that you are unhappy with the outcome, you may request an internal review through our compliance team.

To be granted an internal review we require:

  1. Your application for review via official channels no later than 28 days after the verdict of your initial complaint was delivered.
  2. Clear explanation as to why an internal review is appropriate (i.e. why the original decision was unreasonable, or the complaint handling process was unfair or deficient) and what action you would like taken to resolve the issue.

To request an internal review please contact the Compliance Manager by one of these channels:

Email: [email protected]
Written Letter: Compliance Manager
P.O. Box 141
Kenmore.  QLD  4069

We cannot take instruction in person. Internal review requests should be made through the above channels.

4.1  Internal Review Service Level

  • In all cases the Compliance Manager will acknowledge your request for internal review as soon as it is received.
  • The internal review process will take up to 30 days.
  • The Compliance Manager will communicate the Internel Review outcome to you by email.

5.  Escalating a Complaint

GoEscrow is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an external dispute resolution scheme covering applicable Australian customers. AFCA provides a free and independent service to resolve complaints by consumers and small businesses about participating financial firms like GoEscrow, where that complaint falls within AFCA’s terms of reference.

If you are not satisfied with our resolution or handling of your complaint, you may wish to contact AFCA by one of these channels:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1800 931 671 (Free service)
Written Letter: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Website: www.afca.org.au